State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

3 Oct 2015

The Victory of the Martyrs

Petrus quidem ad Ponticos, quanta enim, inquit, gloria, si non delinquentes ut puniamini sustinetis? Haec enim gratia est, in hoc et vocati estis, quoniam et Christus passus est pro nobis, relinquens uobis exemplum semetipsum, uti adsequamini vestigia ipsius. Et rursus: Dilecti, ne epavescatis ustionem, quae agitur in vobis in temptationem, quasi nouum accidat vobis. Etenim secundum quod communicatis passionibus Christi, gaudete, uti et in revelatione gloriae eius gaudeatis exultantes. Si dedecoramini in nomine Christi, beati estis, quod gloria et Dei Spiritus requiescit in vobis, dum ne quis vestrum patiatur ut homicida aut fur aut maleficus aut alieni speculator, si autem ut Christianus, ne erubescat, glorificet autem Dominum in nomine isto. Iohannes vero, ut etiam pro fratribus nostris animas ponamus, hortatur negans timorem esse in dilectione. Perfecta enim dilectio foras abicit timorem, quoniam timor poenam habet, et qui timet non est perfectus in dilectione. Quem timorem intellegi praestet, nisi negationis auctorem? Quam dilectionem perfectam adfirmat, nisi fugatricem timoris et animatricem confessionis? Qua poena timorem puniat, nisi quam negator relaturus est cum corpore et anima occidendus in gehenna? Quodsi pro fratribus, quanto magis pro domino moriendum docet, satis de Apocalypsi quoque sua instructus haec suadere? Mandaverat etenim Spiritus ad angelum ecclesiae Smyrnaeorum: Ecce diabolus ex numero tuo coniciet in carcerem, ut temptemini diebus decem. Esto fidelis ad mortem usque, et dabo tibi vitae coronam. Item ad Pergamenorum de Antipa, fidelissimo martyre, interfecto in habitatione satanae. Item ad Philadelphenorum, quod a temptatione ultima liberaretur, qui Domini nomen non negarat. Exinde victoribus quibusque promittit nunc arborem uitae et mortis veniam secundae, nunc latens manna cum calculo candido et nomine ignoto, nunc ferreae uirgae potestatem et stellae matutinae claritatem, nunc albam vestiri nec deleri de libro vitae et columnam fieri in Dei templo in nomine Dei et Domini et Hierusalem caelestis inscriptam, nunc residere cum Domino in throno eius, quod aliquando Zebedaei filiis negabatur. Quinam isti tam beati victores, nisi proprie martyres?

Tertullianus, Scorpicae

Peter says to those in Pontus, 'How much indeed is the glory, if not being criminals, you suffer patiently? This indeed is grace, to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving you an eternal example that you should follow in His own footsteps.' 1 And again: 'Beloved, be not alarmed by the burning trial which is happening among you, as if something strange had befallen you. Insofar as you are partake of the passion of Christ, rejoice; for in the revelation of his glory you shall rejoice. If you are reproached because of the name of Christ, you are blessed; because glory and the Spirit of God rest in you. Yet none of you should suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evil-doer, or as an interloper in the affairs of others. But if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but glorify God in this name.' 2 John exhorts us to lay down our lives for our brethren, denying that there is fear in love: 'Perfect love casts out fear, since fear has punishment; and he who fears is not perfect in love.' 3 What fear would it be better to understand but that which is the author of denial? What love does he assert to be perfect but that which puts fear to flight, and encourages confession? What penalty will he give as punishment for fear but that which the denier shall pay with body and soul slain in hell? And if he  he teaches that we must die for the brethren, how much more for the Lord, John being sufficiently instructed by his own Revelation to advise this? For indeed the Spirit commanded the angel of the church in Smyrna: 'Behold, the devil shall throw some of you into prison, that you may be tried ten days. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of life.' Also to the angel of the church in Pergamus it was told of Antipas, a very faithful martyr, who was slain where Satan dwells. Also to the angel of  Philadelphia it was said that he was delivered from the last trial who had not denied the name of the Lord. So to every conqueror the Spirit promises now the tree of life and freedom from the second death; now the hidden manna with the white stone and the name unknown, now the power of the rod of iron and the brightness of the morning star; now the clothing in white vestments and the name not erased from the book of life and being made into a pillar in the temple of God with the name of God and of the Lord and of the heavenly Jerusalem inscribed upon it; now to sit with the Lord on His throne, that which once was refused to the sons of Zebedee. Who are these blessed conquerors but the martyrs themselves?

Tertullian, The Antidote

1 1 Pet 2.20-21
2 1 Pet 4. 12-16
3 1 Jn 3.16

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