State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

22 Jul 2015

The Endurance of Women

' Erat autem ibi Maria Magdalene et altera Maria, sedentes contra sepulcrum. Altera autem die quae est post parasceven, convenerunt principes sacerdotum et Pharisaei ad Pilatum, dicentes: Domine, recordati sumus, quia seductor ille dixit adhuc vivens: Post tres dies resurgam.'

Caeteris relinquetibus Dominum, mulieres in officio perseverant, expectantes quod promiserat Jesus, et ideo meruerunt primae videre resurgentem, quia qui perseveraverit usque in finem, hic salus erit. 

Sanctus Hieronymus, Commentariorum In Evangelium Matthaei, Lib IV, Cap XXVII

' Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were there, sitting opposite the tomb. Next day, the day after the day of preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees came before Pilate and said, 'Lord, we have remembered that the seducer said while he lived: After three days I will rise again.' 

Though the others abandoned the Lord, the women persevered in their office, waiting for what Jesus had promised, and so they merited to be the first to see the risen one, for 'He who perseveres to the end, he shall be saved.'

Saint Jerome, Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, Book 4, Chapter 27

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