State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

7 Jul 2014

A Suitable Habitation

Deus autem omnia praesciens, utrisque aptas praeparavit habitationes: eis quidem qui inquiruent lumen incorruptibilitatis, et ad id recurrunt, benigne donans hoc quod concupiscunt lumen; aliis vero id contemnentibus, et avertentibus se ab eo, et id fugientibus, et quasi semetipsos excaecantibus, congruentes lumini adversantibus praeparavit tenebris: et his qui fugiunt ei esse subjecti, convenientem subdidit poenam. Subiectio autem Dei requietio est aeterna, ut hi qui fugiunt lumen, dignum fugae suas habeant locum, et qui fugiunt aeternam requiem congruentem fugae suae habeant habitionem. Cum autem apud Deum omnia sint bona, qui ex sua sententia fugiunt Deum, semetipsos ab omnibus fraudant bonis; fraudati autem omnibus erga Deum bonis, conseqeunter in Dei iustum iudicium incident. Qui enim fugiunt requiem, iuste in poena conversabuntur; et qui fugerunt lumen iuste inhabitabant tenebras. Quamadmodum autem in hoc temporali lumine, qui fugiunt illud, ipsos se tenebris mancipant, ita ut et ipsi sibi causa fiant, quod destituuntur a lumine et inhabitant tenebras, et non lumen causa est eis huiusmodi conversationis, quemadmodum praediximus: sic aeternum Dei qui fugiunt lumen, quod continet in se omnia bona, ipsi sibi causa sunt ut aeternas inhabitent tenebras.

Sanctus Iraeneus, Contra Haereses, Liber IV, Cap XXXIX.

But God, foreknowing all things, for both prepared suitable habitations, for those who seek the incorruptible light and have recourse to it, He kindly gives the light which they desire, but to those others who scorn it and turn away from it and flee it, those who are like those who blind themselves, He has prepared for them a darkness fitting for the adversaries of the light, and upon those who flee being subject to Him He has inflicted an appropriate punishment. Submission to God is eternal rest, so those who flee the light have a place worthy of their flight; and those who flee eternal peace, have a habitation appropriate to their exile. Since all good things are with God, they who by their own judgement fly from God defraud themselves of all good things; and defrauded of all good things with respect to God, they shall consequently fall under the just judgment of God. For those who flee peace shall justly be turned over to punishment, and those who flee the light shall justly dwell in darkness. For just as it is with this temporal light, that those who flee it surrender themselves to darkness, so that they are the cause of themselves being destitute of light,  so they inhabit darkness; the light is not the cause, as I have said, of this condition: those who fly from the eternal light of God, which contains in itself all good things, are themselves the cause of themselves inhabiting eternal darkness.

Saint Irenaeus of Lyon, Against Heresies, Book 4, Chapter 39

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