State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

1 Jul 2014

Weeds In The Church

Nam, etsi videntur in Ecclesia esse zizania, non tamen impediri debet aut fides aut charitas nostra, ut quoniam zizania esse in Ecclesia cernimus, ipsi de Ecclesia recedamus. Nobis tantum modo laborandum est ut frumentum esse possimus, ut, cum coeperit frumentum Dominicis horreis condi, fructum pro opere nostro et labore capiamus. Apostolus in epistola sua dicit: In domo autem magna non solum vasa sunt aurea et argentea, sed et lignea et fictilia, et quaedam quidem honorata, quaedam vero inhonorata. Nos operam demus, fratres charissimi, et quantum possumus laboremus ut vasa aurea vel argentea simus. Caeterum, fictilia vasa confringere Domino soli concessum est, cui et virga ferrea data est. 

Sanctus Cyprianus, Epistula LI, Ad Confessores, De Reditu Ex Schismate Congratulatoria

Source: Migne PL 4.344
For even if there seem to be weeds in the Church, neither our faith nor our charity should be impeded, so that because we see weeds in the Church we should withdraw ourselves from the Church. We ought only to labour that we are able to be the wheat, that when the wheat begins to be gathered into the Lord's barns, we may receive fruit for our labour and work. The Apostle in his epistle says: 'In a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and of earth, some honourable and some dishonourable.' 1 Let us strive, dearest brethren, to labour as much as we can, that we may be vessels of gold or silver. For the rest, to the Lord alone it is granted to break the vessels of earth, to whom is given the rod of iron. 2

Saint Cyprian, from Letter 51, To the Confessors, Celebrating Their Return From Schism

1 2 Tim 2.20
2 Ps 2.9

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