State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

6 Feb 2021

The Treatment Of Others

Neminem blasphemare, non litigiosos esse; sed modestos, ostendentes omnem mansuetudinem ad omnes homines.

Christianos omnibus hominibus humiles vult videri; sic enim possunt perfidi ad futuram spem vocari.

Nam eramus quondam et nos inconsulti, inobsequentes, errantes, servientes desideriis et voluptatibus variis, in malitia, et invidia agentes, odibilies, odio nos invicem habentes.

Haec bona quae incredulitas non habet, christianis data memorat; ut in omni justitia lucentes, manifesti fiant quod Dei cultores sint. Cum enim quondam inconsulti, nunc videntur per omnia sani esse consilii, laudatur in his Deus.

Cum autem benignitas et humanitas apparuit Salvatoris nostri Dei, non ex operibus justitiæ, quæ fecimus nos, sed secundum suam misericordiam salvos nos fecit per lavacrum regenerationis et renovationis Spiritus Sancti, quem effudit in nos abunde per Jesum Christum Salvatorem nostrum:  ut justificati gratia ipsius, hæredes simus secundum spem vitæ aeternae.

Hoc bonum quod in christianis florere videtur, de radice pietatis divinae oritur; Deus enim misericordia sua salvos nos fecit per Christum, cujus gratia renati, Spiritum sanctum accepimus abunde; ut bonis operibus inniti possimus, ipso nos in omnibus adjuvante, ut per haec haereditatem regni coelorum assequi possimus. Quamobrem omni devotione huic obsequi debemus, et praeceptis ejus parere; quia quidquid in nobis pulchrum est, spiritualibus lineamentis ipse depingit

Ambrosiaster, In Epistolam Beati Pauli Ad Titum, Caput III

Source: Migne PL 17.502c-503a

Speak not injuriously, be not quarrelsome, but be modest, showing every peacefulness before all men.  1

He wishes that Christians appear humble to all men, for so they are able to call the faithless to future hope.

For we were once reckless, disobedient, embroiled in error, enslaved to various desires and pleasures, about our deeds in wickedness and envy, hateful and hating one another. 2

These goods which faithlessness lacks, he recalls have been given to Christians; that shining in all righteousness they are made manifest as worshippers of God, For once thoughtless and now seeming in all things to be wise counsellors, in these things God is praised.

When the benevolence and kindess of the Saviour, our God, appeared, not from works of righteousness which we did, but according to His mercy, He saved us, through the waters of regeneration and renewel of the Holy Spirit, which is poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour, that justified by grace we be heirs with hope of eternal life. 3

This good which is seen to flourish in Christians arises from the root of Divine piety. For God by His mercy saves us through Christ and reborn by His grace we abundantly receive His Holy Spirit, that we are able to be established on good works, being helped by Him in everything, by which we obtain the inheritance of the kingdom of heaven. Likewise we should with all devotion be obedient and attend to His precepts, because He paints the spiritual features of whatever is beautiful in us.

Ambrosiaster, from the Commentary On The Epistle of Saint Paul To Titus, Chap 3

1 Titus 3.2
2 Titus 3.3
3 Titus 3.4-7

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