State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

19 Mar 2024

Standing Against Pharaoh

Isti ergo qui dubii sunt, et tribulationibus fatigantur, etiam contra Moysen et Aaron loquuntur, et dicunt: Ex qua die intrastis et existis vos ad Pharaonem, exsecrabilem fecistis odorem nostrum coram eo. Verum dicunt isti, licet ignorent fortasse quod dicunt, sicut et Caiphas ille verum dicebat, quia expedit vobis ut moriatur unus pro populo, sed quid diceret nesciebat. Nam, ut Apostolus dicit, Christi bonus odor sumus, sed aliis, inquit, odor de vita in vitam, aliis autem odor de morte in mortem. Ita et prophetics sermo suavis odor est credentibus, dubiis vero et incredulis, et hs qui se populum confitentur esse Pharaonis, odor exsecrabilis efficitur. Sed et Moyses dicit ad Dominum, quia, ex quo locutus sum cum Pharaone, afflixit populum tuum. Certum est enim quia antequam sermo Dei audiatur, antequam praedictio divina nascatur, non est tribulatio, non est tentatio: quia nisi buccinet tuba, non committitur bellum; ubi vero signum belli tuba praedictionis ostenderit, ibi, inquit, sequitur afflictio, ibi omnis tribulationum pugna consurgit. Ex quo ergo loqui coepit Moyses at Aaron ad Pharaonem, affligitur populus Dei. Ex quo in animam tuam sermo Dei perlatus est, necessario certamen intra te virtutibus adversum vitia suscitatur; prius vero quam veniret sermo qui argueret, vitia intra te in pace durabant: sed ubi sermo Dei facere coepit uniuscujusque discrimen, tunc perturbatio magna consurgit, et sine foedere nascitur bellum. Cum injustitia enim quando potest convenire justitia, impudicitia cum sobrietate, cum veritate mendacium? Et ideo non magnopere perturbemur, si videtur odor noster exsecrabilis esse Pharaoni. Exsecrationi namque et vitiis ducitur virtus. Quin potius ut in posterioribus dicit, quia stetit Moyses ante Pharaonem, stemus etiam nos contra Pharaonem et non flectamur, sed stemus, succinti lumbos nostros in veritate, et calceati pedes in preparatione Evangelii pacis. Sic enim nos hortatur Apostlolus dicens: State ergo et nolite iterum jugo servitutis inhaerere. Iterum dicit: In quo stamus, et gloriamur in spe gloriae Dei. Stamus autem confidenter, si Dominum deprecemur, ut statuare pedes nostros super petram, ne nobis illud eveniat, quod idem Propheta dicit: Mei autem paulominus moti sunt pedes, et paulominus effusi sunt gressus mei. Stemus ergo ante Pharaonem, id est obsistamus ei in certamine, sicut Petus apostolus dicit: Cui resistite fortes in fide. Sed et Paulus nihilominus dicit: State in fide et virtiliter agite. Si enim fortiter steterimus, consequetur illud quod orabat Paulus pro discipulis dicens, quia Deus conteret Satan sub pedibus vestris velociter. Qunato enim nos constantius et fortius steterimus, tanto infirmior et invalidior erit Pharao. Si autem nos vel infirmi coeperimus esse, vel dubii, ille adversum nos validior et constantior fiet. Et vere illud implebitur nobis, in quo Moyses dedit figuram. Cum enim ipse elevatet manus, vincebatur Amalech. Si vero velut lassas dejiceret, et brachia infirma deponeret, invalescebat Amalech. Ita ergo etiam nos in virtute crucis Christi extollamus in omni loco sine ira et disceptatione, ut Domini mereamur auxilium.

Origenes, In Exodo, Homilia III

Source: Migne PG 12.315c-3163
These then who doubt and are wearied by tribulations, they speak out against Moses and Aaron and say, 'From the day you entered and stood before Pharaoh, you have made us as a bad odour before him.' 1 They speak the truth, though it is possible that they were ignorant of what they said, as even Caiaphas spoke the truth, 'It profits us that one man die for the people,' though he did not understand what he said. 2 For as the Apostle says, 'We are a good odour of Christ, but to some we are an odour of life to life, and to others an odour of death to death.' 3 So the prophetic word is a sweet odour to those who believe, but to those who are doubtful and to those who do not believe, and to those who confess themselves to be the people of Pharaoh, it is a hateful smell. But Moses also says to the Lord, 'Ever since I have spoken with Pharaoh, he has afflicted your people.' 4 It is certain that before the word of God is heard, before the divine preaching is known, there is no tribulation, there is no trial, because war does not begin until the trumpet sounds. But where the trumpet of preaching gives the signal for war, there affliction follows, and there every troublesome struggle arises. The people of God are afflicted from the moment that Moses and Aaron begin to speak with Pharaoh. From the moment the word of God is brought into your soul a struggle must be stirred up within you between virtues and vices. Before the Word which reproves comes, the vices within you dwell in peace, but when the word of God begins to make a division between each, then a great disturbance arises and war without treaty is born. 'For when can there be agreement between justice and injustice, shamelessness and moderation, a lie and the truth?' 5 Therefore, let us not be greatly troubled if our odour seems detestable to Pharaoh, for virtue is an abomination to the vices. Now as it says later that Moses stood before Pharaoh, let us also stand against Pharaoh and let us neither bow nor bend, but let us stand with our loins girded with the truth and having shod our feet with the preparation of the Gospel of peace. 6 For so the Apostle exhorts us, saying. 'Stand and do not again submit to the yoke of servitude.' 7 Again he says, 'In which we stand and glory in the hope of the glory of God.' 8 But we can only stand confidently if we pray to the Lord that 'he set our feet on the rock,' 9 lest what the same prophet says happens to us: 'But my feet were almost shaken, my steps nearly fell away.' 10 Therefore let us stand before Pharaoh, that is, let us resist him in the struggle, as the Apostle Peter says, 'Whom resist strong in faith.' 11 And Paul also says: 'Stand in the faith and act bravely.' 12 For if we stand strongly, that also which Paul prays for happens, 'God will swiftly grind Satan under your feet.' 13 The longer we stand firmly and staunchly the weaker and feebler Pharoah will be. If, however, we begin to be feeble or doubtful, he will become stronger and firmer against us. Truly that of which Moses was a figure is fulfilled in us, for when Moses lifted his hands Amalek was conquered, but if he lowered them, as though weary and placing down weak arms, Amalek became strong. 14 Thus let us also lift our arms in the power of the cross of Christ, and let us raise holy hands in prayer, in every place, without anger or dispute, 15 that we might merit the Lord's help.

Origen, On Exodus, from Homily 3

1 Exod 5.21
2 Jn 11.50
3 2 Cor 2.15-16
4 Exod 5.23
5 1 Cor 6.14
6 Ephes 6.14-15
7 Galat 5.1
8 Rom 5.2
9 Ps 39.3
10 Ps 72.2
11 1 Pet 5.9
12 1 Cor 16.13
13 Rom 16.20
14 Exod 17.11
15 2 Tim 2.8

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