State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

13 Mar 2024

Service And Gifts

Exoneremus ante omnia corda nostra impia contagione, ut fructus possimus nutrire justitiae: debet enim ex integro terrenis actibus abrenuntiare, qui vult coelestibus mandatis satisfacere. Nam sicut homo numquam invitus bene servit, ita nec occupatus bene commendata custodit. Voluntarie sacrificabo tibi. Non sine cause propheta hac se Domino voce commendat. Sciebat necessario multos dubio corde servire; et aliud ore promittere, aliud pectorum secreto disponere. Voluntarie sacrificabo tibi. Quamvis parva, ex voto offerentis magna fiunt munera: consummunt vero auctorem suum beneficia quae constiterint extorta.

Sanctus Valerianus Cemeliensis, Homilia III, De Arcta et Angusta Via

Source: Migne PL 52.701c-d
Before everything let us rid our hearts of the touch of evil, that we might be able to nourish the fruits of righteousness, for he who wishes to satisfy the commandments of heaven should renounce worldly works completely. As a man never serves well unwillingly, so neither does a man preoccupied with other things take good care of what is entrusted to him. 'I will freely sacrifice to you.' 1 Not without reason did the Prophet commend himself to God like this. He knew that by compulsion many serve with wavering hearts, and that they promise one thing with their mouths but care about something else in the depths of their hearts. 'I will freely sacrifice to you.' Though small, gifts become great because of the wish to offer them, but those which are extorted ruin the one who gives them.

Saint Valerian of Cimelium, from Homily 3, On The Narrow and Difficult Way

1 Ps 53.8

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