State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

18 Mar 2024

Sacrifices And Abominations

Abominationes, inquiunt, Aegyptiorum immolabimus Domino Deo nostro...

Oves quippe Aegyptii edere dedignantur. Sed quod abominantur Aegyptii, hoc Israelitae Deo offerunt, quia simplicitatem conscientiae, quam sapientes hujus saeculi, hoc est, cives Aegypti, quasi fatuitatem deputant: hanc justi Deo in sacrificium immolant, et per id Deo placere procurant, quod saeculo et mundo abjectum et contemptibile esse considerant, secundum Apostolum qui ait: Nam quae stulta sunt mundi, elegit Deus, ut confundat sapientes. Ex quo autem loqui coepit Moyses ad Pharaonem, affligitur populus Dei, id est, ex quo in animam hominis sermo Dei perlatus fuerit, acrius callidus hostis consurgit, et majora vitia quibus vincatur immittit. Prius vero quam veniret sermo qui argueret vitia, in pace durabant; sed ubi sermo Dei facere ceperit uniuscujusque discrimen, tunc conturbatio magna consurgit.

Sanctus Isidorus Hispalensis, Mysticorum Expositiones Sacramentorum Seu Quaestiones In Vetus Testamentum, In Exodum, Caput XI

Source: Migne PL 83.291c-d
For we shall sacrifice to the Lord our God what are abominations to the Egyptians... 1

Certainly the Egyptians scorned to eat sheep. But what offends the Egyptians, this is what the Israelites offer to God, because simplicity of conscience, which is thought to be foolishness to the wise of this world, that is, the Egyptian people, this is what the righteous offer in sacrifice to God, and through it they please God, with that which to the age and the world is considered abject and contemptible, according to the Apostle who said, 'For what is foolish to the world, God chose, that He might confound the wise.' 2 And because of what Moses began to say to Pharaoh, the people of God were afflicted, that is, when the word of God comes into the soul of man, so more bitterly does the cunning of the enemy rise up, and he stirs up the great vices by which he conquers. For before the coming of the word which disputes with the vices, the vices dwell in peace, but when the word of God begins to make a division between each one, then great trouble rises up.

Saint Isidore of Seville, Expositions of Sacred Mysteries or Questions on the Old Testament, On Exodus, Chapter 11

1 Exod 8.26
2 1 Cor 1.27

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