State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

8 Mar 2024

Obtaining Heaven

Sicut enim qui per foramen arctum subtilis acus grossum et multitidum in capite filum impingere cupit, quantum valet summis digitis, illud intorquet et simplificat, sic qui in hoc quod agimus, sapientiae, studium animum figit, nisi ab omni sollicitudine, et curiositate, et ambitione , et voluntate carnali cor revocet, et disciplina torqueat, summa studiorum vigilentia acuat, semetipsum decipit et frustra laborat. Nam, sicut ait Dei Verbum, facilius est camelum introire per foramen acus quam divitem ingredi in regnum Dei. Quid enim est illud regnum, nisi inspicere Deum, et delectari in ipso? Hoc quomodo possunt, qui alias ab eo habent cogitationes, delectationes et consolationes? Vae vobis, inquit divites, qui habetis hic consolationem vestram. Pauperum vero spiritu id est voluntate, dicitur esse regnum coelorum.

Isaac, Cisterciensis Abbas, Sermo XXI In Sexagesima IV

Source: Migne PL 194.1760c-d
As he who wishes to pass a thick and many stranded thread through the eye of a narrow needle must twist and tighten and compress it with the tips of the fingers as much as he can, so in this which we do, the fixing of the soul for wisdom, unless the heart is free from every care, from distraction and ambition and sensuality, and is curbed by correction, and ever so carefully guarded in its intent, a man deceives himself and labours in vain. For as the Word of God says: 'It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.' 1 What is that kingdom but the sight of God and delight in Him? How can they attain it whose thoughts, delights and comfort are for other things? 'Woe to you who are rich,' He says, 'who have your comfort here.' 2 Those who are poor in spirit by their own choice are told that theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 3

Isaac of Stella, from Sermon 21

1 Mt 19.24
2 Lk 6.24
3 Mt 5.3

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