State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

16 Nov 2015

Epitaph for Granddaughters

Lumine virgineo hic splendida membra quiescunt.
Insigneis animo, castae velamine sancto
Crinibus imposito caelum petiere sorores
Innocuae vitae meritis operumque bonorum.
Noxia vincentes Christo medicante venena
Invisi anguis palmam tenuere perennem,
Aspide calcato sponsi virtute triumphant
Letanturque simul pacata in secula missae
Evictis carnis vitiis, saevoque dracone
Obluctante diu subegunt durissima bella.
Nam cunctis exuta malis hic corpora condunt.
Tantus amor tenuit semper sub luce sacratas,
Iungeret ut tumulo sanctarum membra sororum.
Alvus quas matris mundo emiserat una,
Ad caelum pariter mittet domus una sepulcri.
Mirifico genetrix fetu, quae quattor agnas
Protulit electas, claris quae quattor astris
Emicuit castoque choro comitante Maria
Letatur gradiens germanis septa puellis.
Ingressae templum domini venerabile munus
Accepient, duros quoniam vicere labores,
Floribus et variis operum gemmisque nitentes
Lucis perpetuae magno potientur honore.
Adventum sponsi nunc praestolantur ovantes
Veste sacra comptae, oleo durante beatae.
Immortale decus numerosa prole parentes
Aeterno regi fidei pietate sacrarunt.

nomina sanctarum lector is forte requiris,
ex omni versu te littera prima docebit.
hunc posuit neptes titulum Taurina sacrata.

Epitaphius Neptibus

Limbs splendid here in virginal splendor rest.
In souls noble, on hair rest
Chaste veils, sisters who sought heaven
In innocent life's merits and good works.
Noxious poison of the hated snake conquering,
In the healing of Christ they sought the deathless palm,
A serpent trampled, the groom's virtue triumphant.
Let these sent together into the age rejoice,
Evicting faults of flesh and dragon's ferocity
Overcome through hard and long battles,
No evil's stay permitting, here their bodies they brought.
These consecrated ones had such love always so that
In one tomb are the bodies of sacred sisters.
A single mother's womb sent them into the world,
A single tomb sends them to heaven together.
Marvellous how a fertile mother four elect lambs
Produced, these four bright stars,
Eminent Maria who in the chaste chorus is gathered.
Let her rejoice walking with her begotten offspring,
Let them enter the Lord's Temple with venerable gifts,
All acceptable, for with hard labour they were won,
Flowers and various gems shining are their deeds,
Let them obtain great honour in the eternal light.
Advent of the groom they now await to celebrate
Vestments sacred their garb, with blessed oil anointed.
Immortal offspring, glory of parents,
All dedicated to the eternal king with faith and piety.

If, reader, you seek the names of these blessed ones,
Learn it from the first letter of every line.
The consecrated Taurina made this for granddaughters.

Epitaph for Granddaughters

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